Smartstock is the complete tool for investors of all levels,from the inexperienced to the veteran,who want a proven,disciplined and reliable investment method.
Smartstock gives you The Power to implement a mechanical, emotion-free investment plan that provides precise,100% objective recommendations on when to buy and sell--and you'll manage your investments in less than 10 minutes a day.
Smartstock is a stock advising software, first of its kind in India. If you're investing in the stock market (or plan to),you can use Smartstock's personalized buy and sell recommendations to increase your investment profits like never before.And because Smartstock uses a powerful,fully researched asset allocation Algorithm,you'll minimize your risk too. Too often, novice investors mistakenly assume that they can time the market.That they know something the rest of the world doesn't.If they happen to make a few profitable investments right off the bat,it just serves to reinforce this false belief.Even experienced investors fall into this TraP.The fact is that nobody can consistently time the stock market.
In addition, nearly all investors use their emotions to do their investing for them.Some more than others, but almost everyone is guilty.And almost everyone loses money because of it--whether by realizing actual losses or by forgoing profits that could have been theirs.Smartstock helps you avoid these mistakes.
The SmartStock installation file (nearly 3.71 Megabytes) should take approximately 15 minutes to download using a 56K modem.
If you are experiencing any troubles with downloads, please, about a problem and we will send you the program by e-mail.